What is the difference between naming very small numbers and naming very big ones?
Q: What is the difference between naming very small numbers and naming very big ones?
A: The difference is that there is a minus sign over the 10 in the formula used to name very small numbers.
Q: How would you write 0.007 in shorthand form?
A: You would write it as 7 x 10−3, since 7 is the third digit after the decimal point.
Q: Does the zero in front of the decimal point count when naming small numbers?
A: No, it does not count.
Q: How would you name 0.0000452 in shorthand form?
A: You would write it as 4.52 x 10−5.
Q: What is the formula to name very small numbers?
A: The formula is to write the number with a minus sign over the 10 raised to a certain power, depending on how many digits follow the decimal point.
Q: Is naming a very small number with lots of different numbers inside it the same as naming a very big number?
A: Yes, it is the same process, but with the addition of a minus sign over the 10 in the formula.
Q: What is the shorthand form for 0.00001?
A: The shorthand form is 1 x 10−5.