What are muskmelons?
Q: What are muskmelons?
A: Muskmelons are a type of melon, specifically Cucumis melo.
Q: What is a popular type of muskmelon?
A: Cantaloupes are a popular type of muskmelon.
Q: Where do muskmelons come from?
A: Muskmelons come from Persia (Iran) and nearby countries.
Q: When were muskmelons transported to Europe?
A: Muskmelons were transported west to Europe near the time of Christ's birth.
Q: What is the origin of the name Cantaloupe?
A: The name Cantaloupe comes from the Italian town they were cultivated in: Cantalupo nel Sannio.
Q: What is the meaning of the word "muskmelon"?
A: The word "muskmelon" comes from the words "musk," which means "perfume" in Persian, and "melon," which is French and comes from a Latin word melonem that means "fruit of a cucurbit."
Q: What are other types of muskmelon?
A: Other types of muskmelon include the Honeydew Melon.