What are musical instruments?

Q: What are musical instruments?

A: Musical instruments are things used to make music, generally referring to items specifically made for making music.

Q: How can musical instruments be divided by type?

A: Musical instruments can be divided by type into string instruments (plucked or bowed), wind instruments (woodwind and brass), percussion instruments, and keyboard instruments.

Q: What instruments belong to the bowed string family?

A: Instruments belonging to the bowed string family include the violin, viola, cello, and double bass.

Q: What instruments belong to the woodwind family?

A: Instruments belonging to the woodwind family include the flute, clarinet, oboe, and bassoon.

Q: What instruments belong to the brass family?

A: Instruments belonging to the brass family include the trumpet, trombone, French horn, and tuba.

Q: What instruments belong to the percussion family?

A: Instruments belonging to the percussion family include drums, cymbals, xylophone, maracas, tambourine, and triangle.

Q: What is considered as a natural musical instrument?

A: Some people consider the voice as a "natural musical instrument" because singing is a way to make music without any instrument at all.

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