What is the Müller's Bornean gibbon?
Q: What is the Müller's Bornean gibbon?
A: The Müller's Bornean gibbon is a primate in the Hylobatidae family also known as the grey gibbon.
Q: How much does the Müller's Bornean gibbon weigh?
A: The Müller's Bornean gibbon weighs 12 pounds (5.4 kg).
Q: How tall is the Müller's Bornean gibbon?
A: The Müller's Bornean gibbon is about 2 feet (61 cm) tall.
Q: How long can the grey gibbon live in captivity?
A: The grey gibbon can live more than 40 years in captivity.
Q: What do the grey gibbons eat primarily?
A: The grey gibbons eat primarily fruit, leaves, flowers, and invertebrates.
Q: What family does the Müller's Bornean gibbon belong to?
A: The Müller's Bornean gibbon belongs to the Hylobatidae family.
Q: What is another name for the Müller's Bornean gibbon?
A: Another name for the Müller's Bornean gibbon is the grey gibbon.