Who was Amir Abdollah Muhammad Mu'izzi?
Q: Who was Amir Abdollah Muhammad Mu'izzi?
A: Amir Abdollah Muhammad Mu'izzi was an 11th century and 12th century poet from Persia who was the poet laureate of Sanjar.
Q: What type of poetry was Mu'izzi known for?
A: Mu'izzi is considered one of the great masters of the Persian panegyric qasideh poetry.
Q: In which courts did Mu'izzi live during his lifetime?
A: Mu'izzi lived in the courts of Malik Shah I and Sultan Sanjar.
Q: How many distichs did Mu'izzi's divan have?
A: Mu'izzi's divan had 18,000 distichs.
Q: Did Mu'izzi copy the verses of other poets?
A: Anvari says Mu'izzi copied the verses of other poets, but this cannot be proven for certain.
Q: Who copied Mu'izzi's verses?
A: Anvari himself is known to have copied Mu'izzi's verses.
Q: How did Mu'izzi die?
A: Mu'izzi is said to have died by an arrow shot by the King's son in 1125 for unknown reasons. He was accidentally shot by Sanjar.