What is the Mozilla Foundation?

Q: What is the Mozilla Foundation?

A: The Mozilla Foundation is a non-profit organization that supports and gives leadership to the open source Mozilla Project.

Q: What are the policies that the organization sets?

A: The organization sets the policies that govern the development, operate important things that keep Mozilla working and control trademarks and other intellectual property.

Q: Does Mozilla Foundation have any taxable for-profit subsidiary?

A: Yes, Mozilla Foundation owns a taxable for-profit subsidiary called Mozilla Corporation.

Q: What is the role of Mozilla Corporation?

A: Mozilla Corporation employs several Mozilla developers and sets releases for the Mozilla Firefox.

Q: Where is the Mozilla Foundation based?

A: The Mozilla Foundation is based in Mountain View, California, USA.

Q: What is the mission of Mozilla Japan and Mozilla China?

A: The mission of Mozilla Japan and Mozilla China is to help promote and deploy Mozilla products and projects.

Q: How does the Mozilla Foundation describe itself?

A: The Mozilla Foundation describes itself as a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving choice and promoting innovation on the Internet.

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