How far is Mount Rainier from Seattle, Washington?
Q: How far is Mount Rainier from Seattle, Washington?
A: Mount Rainier is 54 miles (87 kilometers) southeast of Seattle, Washington.
Q: What is the height of Mount Rainier?
A: The height of Mount Rainier is 14,410 feet (4,392 meters).
Q: What covers most of the top of Mount Rainier?
A: Most of the top of Mount Rainier is covered by snow and glaciers.
Q: Is Mount Rainier an active or inactive volcano?
A: Mount Rainier is an active volcano, but it has not had an eruption for more than 100 years.
Q: How was Mount Rainier National Park created?
A: On March 2, 1899, U.S. President William McKinley made the mountain and area around it Mount Rainier National Park, making it the country's fifth national park.
Q: What type of mountain range is Mount Rainier part of?
A: Mount Rainier is part of the Cascade Range, which is the highest mountain range in the Pacific Northwest.
Q: How is Mount Rainier described by some people?
A: Some people describe Rainier as dormant or inactive.