What was the traditional style of address used for the King or Queen of Portugal?

Q: What was the traditional style of address used for the King or Queen of Portugal?

A: The traditional style of address used for the King or Queen of Portugal was Most Faithful Majesty.

Q: What was 'Rex Fidelissimus'?

A: 'Rex Fidelissimus' was a title awarded by the Pope to the Portuguese monarchy as a spiritual head of the Catholic Church.

Q: What is the spelling of 'Most Faithful Majesty' in Portuguese?

A: The spelling of 'Most Faithful Majesty' in Portuguese is Sua Majestade Fidelíssima.

Q: Who awarded the title of 'Rex Fidelissimus' to the Portuguese monarchy?

A: The Pope awarded the title of 'Rex Fidelissimus' to the Portuguese monarchy.

Q: What is the meaning of 'Sua Majestade Fidelíssima'?

A: 'Sua Majestade Fidelíssima' means 'Most Faithful Majesty' in English.

Q: Was the title of 'Rex Fidelissimus' restricted to any specific religion?

A: Yes, the title of 'Rex Fidelissimus' was restricted to the Catholic Church.

Q: Was the style of address 'Most Faithful Majesty' unique to Portugal?

A: Yes, the style of address 'Most Faithful Majesty' was unique to Portugal.

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