How many species and subspecies of Morpho butterflies are there in the genus Morpho?

Q: How many species and subspecies of Morpho butterflies are there in the genus Morpho?

A: There are over 29 species and 147 subspecies of Morpho butterflies in the genus Morpho.

Q: Where are Morpho butterflies found mostly?

A: Morpho butterflies are found mostly in South America, Mexico and Central America.

Q: What is the wingspan of the smallest Morpho butterfly?

A: The wingspan of the smallest Morpho butterfly is 7.5 cm (3 inches).

Q: What is the wingspan of the Sunset Morpho?

A: The wingspan of the Sunset Morpho is 20 cm (8 inches).

Q: What is a Morpho butterfly?

A: A Morpho butterfly is a butterfly belonging to the genus Morpho.

Q: How many Neotropical butterfly species are there in the genus Morpho?

A: There are Neotropical butterflies in all over 29 species and 147 subspecies in the genus Morpho.

Q: Where is the Sunset Morpho found?

A: The Sunset Morpho is found in South America, Mexico and Central America along with other Morpho butterflies. - 2020 / 2023 - License CC3