Where is Montluçon located?

Q: Where is Montluçon located?

A: Montluçon is located in central France, in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, on the Cher river.

Q: What is the population of Montluçon?

A: Montluçon is the commune in the department with largest population.

Q: What city serves as préfecture for this department?

A: The préfecture for this department is located in the smaller city of Moulins.

Q: What was Montluçon historically known as?

A: Historically, Montluçon was known as the capital of the old province of Bourbonnais and was part of the mediaeval Duchy of Bourbon.

Q: How long has it been a part of France?

A: It has been a part of France since mediaeval times.

Q: Is there any other significant history associated with Montluçon?

A: Yes, it was historically known as being part of the mediaeval Duchy of Bourbon and also served as capital to an old province called Bourbonnais.

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