Where is Montgomery County located in the United States?

Q: Where is Montgomery County located in the United States?

A: Montgomery County is located in the U.S. state of Maryland, north of Washington, D.C. and southwest of Baltimore.

Q: What is the economic status of Montgomery County?

A: Montgomery County is considered to be one of the richest counties in the United States.

Q: What is the percentage of residents over 25 years old who hold a post-graduate degree in Montgomery County?

A: According to the text, 29.2% of residents over 25 years old in Montgomery County hold a post-graduate degree.

Q: What is the county seat and largest municipality in Montgomery County?

A: The county seat and largest municipality in Montgomery County is Rockville.

Q: What is the significance of Montgomery County having a high percentage of residents with post-graduate degrees?

A: The high percentage of residents with post-graduate degrees suggests that Montgomery County has a highly educated workforce, which may attract businesses and lead to economic growth.

Q: What major metropolitan areas are located near Montgomery County?

A: Montgomery County is located near Washington, D.C. and Baltimore.

Q: Are there any other notable features of Montgomery County mentioned in the text?

A: No other notable features of Montgomery County are mentioned in the text.

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