Where is Monte Vettore located?

Q: Where is Monte Vettore located?

A: Monte Vettore is located on the border between Umbria and the Marche in Central Italy.

Q: What does the name Monte Vettore mean in Italian?

A: Monte Vettore means "victorious" in Italian.

Q: Is Monte Vettore the highest mountain in Italy?

A: No, Monte Vettore is the highest mountain in the Marche region and in the province of Ascoli Piceno, but it is not the highest mountain in Italy.

Q: Which province is Monte Vettore located in?

A: Monte Vettore is located in the province of Ascoli Piceno.

Q: What type of region is Umbria?

A: Umbria is a region in Central Italy.

Q: How high is Monte Vettore?

A: The height of Monte Vettore is not mentioned in the text.

Q: What is the significance of Monte Vettore's name?

A: Monte Vettore's name means "victorious" in Italian, but the text does not give any further information about its significance.

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