What is the MIT License?

Q: What is the MIT License?

A: The MIT License is a free software license that was created at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Q: What is a permissive license?

A: A permissive license is a type of software license that allows programmers to put the code in proprietary software on certain conditions.

Q: Is the MIT License a permissive license?

A: Yes, the MIT License is a permissive license.

Q: What are the conditions of the MIT License?

A: The MIT License allows programmers to put the code in proprietary software on the condition that the license is given with that software.

Q: Is the MIT License GPL-compatible?

A: Yes, the MIT License is GPL-compatible.

Q: What software are dual-licensed under the MIT License?

A: Some software, like older versions of the cURL library, are dual licensed under the MIT License, which allowed the recipients to choose either the Mozilla Public License or the MIT License.

Q: Which software was the MIT License first written for?

A: The MIT License was first written for the X Window System, but MIT has used many licenses for software.

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