What is a mirage?

Q: What is a mirage?

A: A mirage is an image that is distorted by the atmosphere, causing its form and location to appear different from the actual object.

Q: What causes a mirage?

A: A mirage is caused by the way light bends as it passes through layers of air with different temperatures.

Q: Can a mirage alter the shape of an object?

A: Yes, a mirage can alter the shape of an object because of the way light is refracted as it passes through different layers of air.

Q: What is the root word for "mirage" and "mirror"?

A: The root word for both "mirage" and "mirror" means "to look at."

Q: Why do objects appear distorted in a mirage?

A: Objects appear distorted in a mirage because the light passing through the layers of air with different temperatures causes the image to refract, giving it a distorted appearance.

Q: What is the relationship between the atmosphere and mirages?

A: The atmosphere is responsible for creating mirages, as the varying temperatures in different layers of air cause the light to bend and create the illusion of an image.

Q: Is a mirage a real image of an object?

A: No, a mirage is not a real image of an object. It is an optical illusion caused by the way light bends and refracts as it passes through different layers of air with different temperatures.

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