What is Minitel?

Q: What is Minitel?

A: Minitel is an online service that was started in France in 1982.

Q: How did users connect to Minitel?

A: Users connected to Minitel through telephone lines.

Q: Was Minitel a successful online service?

A: Yes, Minitel was a successful pre-World Wide Web online service.

Q: What could people do on Minitel?

A: People could buy things online, make train reservations, check stock prices, search the telephone directory, have a mail box, and chat on Minitel.

Q: When did France Telecom say that the Minitel network still had 10 million monthly connections?

A: France Telecom said that the Minitel network still had 10 million monthly connections in February 2009.

Q: What happened to the Minitel network in 2012?

A: France Telecom ended the Minitel service on 30 June 2012.

Q: How many connections were to the directory of Minitel according to France Telecom's statement?

A: According to France Telecom's statement, one million connections were to the directory of Minitel.

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