What is a midge?
Q: What is a midge?
A: A midge is a small fly that belongs to the suborder Nematocera.
Q: Where can midges be found?
A: Midges can be found in practically every land area except permanently dry deserts and frozen zones.
Q: Are all midges harmful?
A: No, not all midges are harmful. Some midges are prey items for insectivores such as frogs and swallows.
Q: Which families include midges?
A: Families that include midges are Phlebotominae, Simuliidae and Culicoides impunctatus.
Q: What is the ecological role of midges within a family?
A: Within any particular family, midges commonly have similar ecological roles.
Q: What kind of diseases can some midges transmit?
A: Some midges, such as Phlebotominae and Simuliidae, are vectors of various diseases.
Q: What is the Highland midge of Scotland?
A: The Highland midge of Scotland, also known as Culicoides impunctatus, is a blood-sucking pest found in huge numbers in upland and lowland areas of Scotland, especially in the north west, from late spring to late summer.