What is microarchitecture?
Q: What is microarchitecture?
A: Microarchitecture is a description of the electrical circuitry of a computer, central processing unit, or digital signal processor that is sufficient for completely describing the operation of the hardware.
Q: How do scholars refer to this concept?
A: Scholars use the term "computer organization" when referring to microarchitecture.
Q: How do people in the computer industry refer to this concept?
A: People in the computer industry more often say "microarchitecture" when referring to this concept.
Q: What two fields make up computer architecture?
A: Microarchitecture and instruction set architecture (ISA) together constitute the field of computer architecture.
Q: What does ISA stand for?
A: ISA stands for Instruction Set Architecture.
Q: What does µarch stand for? A: µArch stands for Microarchitecture.