What is As Young as You Feel?

Q: What is As Young as You Feel?

A: As Young as You Feel is a comedy movie made in 1951 that starred a number of actors, including Monty Woolley, Thelma Ritter, and Marilyn Monroe.

Q: Who directed As Young as You Feel?

A: The movie was directed by Harmon Jones.

Q: When was As Young as You Feel remade?

A: As Young as You Feel was remade in 1957 as The Greatest American Hoax.

Q: Who distributed the movie?

A: The movie was distributed by 20th Century Fox.

Q: Who were some of the actors that starred in As Young as You Feel?

A: Some of the actors in the movie were Thelma Ritter, David Wayne, Marilyn Monroe, Monty Woolley, and Russ Tamblyn.

Q: What genre was the movie As Young as You Feel?

A: As Young as You Feel was a comedy movie.

Q: Are there other movies that are similar to As Young as You Feel?

A: It's possible, but that would depend on personal preferences and opinions.

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