What is a metalloid?

Q: What is a metalloid?

A: A metalloid is a chemical element that has properties of both metal and non-metal elements.

Q: What is the most common semimetal?

A: The most common semimetal is silicon.

Q: How can you classify metalloids?

A: An approximate way to classify metalloids is to look at the Periodic Table of elements, where there will be a double diagonal line with Boron and Aluminium on the top left and Polonium and Astatine on the bottom right, which are the metalloids.

Q: Does silicon have electrical conductivity?

A: Yes, silicon has electrical conductivity between metals and nonmetals. It is a semiconductor.

Q: Are all semimetals also metalloids?

A: No, some semimetals are not metalloids, and some metalloids are not semimetals.

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