What is Meherabad?
Q: What is Meherabad?
A: Meherabad is the main center where Meher Baba lived and worked from 1923.
Q: Where is Meherabad located?
A: Meherabad is about nine kilometers (6 miles) south of Ahmednagar, India.
Q: What can visitors find at Meherabad?
A: Visitors can find Meher Baba's tomb as well as places for visitors to stay. A large number of buildings associated with the earlier days of Baba’s work as well as places of charity are also there.
Q: Who lives or works near Meherabad?
A: Many Baba lovers work or live in the Meherabad area.
Q: Why is Meherabad a popular place of pilgrimage?
A: Meherabad is a popular place of pilgrimage as around 30,000 pilgrims come each year to Amartithi (the anniversary of Meher Baba's death).
Q: Where did Meher Baba move his residence to in 1944?
A: In 1944 Meher Baba moved his residence 15 miles north to Meherazad located on the other side of Ahmedagar.
Q: Is Meherazad also a place of pilgrimage?
A: Yes, Meherazad is also a place of pilgrimage.