What is meditation?

Q: What is meditation?

A: Meditation is a practice that involves training your attention and awareness in order to achieve a calmer and clearer state, often by trying to go beyond the "thinking" mind.

Q: Why is it difficult to define meditation?

A: Scholars have found it difficult to define meditation because the practices vary between traditions and within them.

Q: Which religions commonly practice meditation?

A: Meditation is a common practice in many religions, including Buddhism, Christianity (sometimes), Taoism, Hinduism (where Yoga is important), and other religions.

Q: What are some of the benefits of meditation?

A: Many health benefits have been associated with meditation, including reduced stress and anxiety, improved attention and concentration, and increased feelings of well-being and happiness.

Q: Where did the practice of meditation originate?

A: The initial origin of meditation is from the Vedic times of India.

Q: What is the goal of meditation?

A: The goal of meditation is to train your attention and awareness in order to achieve a calmer and clearer state of mind, often by going beyond the "thinking" mind.

Q: How does meditation differ between different traditions?

A: Meditation practices can vary significantly between different traditions, both in terms of the techniques used and the overall goals of the practice.

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