How many people lived in McPherson County in 2010?

Q: How many people lived in McPherson County in 2010?

A: In 2010, 29,180 people were living in McPherson County.

Q: What is the standard abbreviation for McPherson County?

A: The standard abbreviation for McPherson County is MP.

Q: What is the biggest city in McPherson County?

A: The biggest city in McPherson County is McPherson.

Q: Is McPherson also the county seat of McPherson County?

A: Yes, McPherson is also the county seat of McPherson County.

Q: Why is McPherson County named after Civil War General James B. McPherson?

A: McPherson County is named after Civil War General James B. McPherson as a way to honor his service during the war.

Q: What state in the United States is McPherson County located in?

A: McPherson County is located in the state of Kansas.

Q: What is the population of McPherson County?

A: The population of McPherson County is not specified beyond the fact that 29,180 people were living there in 2010. - 2020 / 2023 - License CC3