How long was the mayoral term in Chicago from 1837 to 1863?

Q: How long was the mayoral term in Chicago from 1837 to 1863?

A: The mayoral term in Chicago was one year from 1837 through 1863.

Q: When did municipal elections change from March to April?

A: In 1861, legislation changed them to April.

Q: When were election times changed to November?

A: In 1869, election time was changed to November.

Q: What year did the city vote to move election day back to April?

A: In 1875, the city voted to move election day back to April.

Q: Who was the acting mayor when Joseph Medill left for a tour around Europe?

A: Lester L. Bond was the acting mayor when Joseph Medill left for a tour around Europe.

Q: Who won the election as mayor but could not become it due to voiding of results?

A: Thomas Hoyne won the election as mayor but could not become it due to voiding of results.

Q: As of 1995, can mayors run for political party or are they considered nonpartisans?

A:As of 1995, no mayor can run for a political party, they are considered as nonpartisans. - 2020 / 2023 - License CC3