Where is Mato Grosso located?
Q: Where is Mato Grosso located?
A: Mato Grosso is located in the western part of Brazil.
Q: Which states share borders with Mato Grosso?
A: Mato Grosso shares borders with the states of Rondônia, Amazonas, Pará, Tocantins, Goiás and Mato Grosso do Sul.
Q: Which country borders Mato Grosso to the southwest?
A: Mato Grosso borders Bolivia to the southwest.
Q: What does the name "Mato Grosso" mean?
A: The name "Mato Grosso" means "thick jungle".
Q: Which state in Brazil has the most deforestation of the country's part of the Amazon Rainforest?
A: Mato Grosso is the state in Brazil that has experienced the most deforestation of Brazil's part of the Amazon Rainforest.
Q: When was Mato Grosso split into two halves?
A: Mato Grosso was split into two halves in 1977.
Q: Which native people live in the Mato Grosso area?
A: The Bororo native people live in the Mato Grosso area.