Where is Masai Mara National Reserve located?

Q: Where is Masai Mara National Reserve located?

A: Masai Mara National Reserve is located in Kenya, East Africa.

Q: When was Masai Mara National Reserve established?

A: Masai Mara National Reserve was established in 1948 as a wildlife sanctuary.

Q: What type of park is Masai Mara National Reserve?

A: Masai Mara National Reserve is a game reserve type of park that is meant to protect the animals on the savannah of the Serengeti.

Q: Why is it named Masai Mara?

A: It is named Masai Mara after the Maasi people, who are the traditional people of the area.

Q: How large is Masai Mara National Reserve compared to the Greater Mara Ecosystem?

A: The Masai Mara National Reserve is only a fraction of the Greater Mara Ecosystem, but it is still quite large.

Q: What is the relationship between the Masai Mara National Reserve and the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania?

A: The Mara is effectively the northern continuation of the Serengeti National Park game reserve in Tanzania.

Q: What is the purpose of the Masai Mara National Reserve?

A: The purpose of the Masai Mara National Reserve is to protect the wildlife on the savannah of the Serengeti.

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