What is an artesian aquifer?
Q: What is an artesian aquifer?
A: An artesian aquifer is an underground layer that holds groundwater under pressure.
Q: What causes the water level in the well to rise in an artesian aquifer?
A: The water level in the well rises to a point where the pressure is equal to the weight of water putting it under pressure in an artesian aquifer.
Q: What is a flowing artesian well?
A: A flowing artesian well is a well that reaches the ground surface if the natural pressure is high enough.
Q: What is an aquifer?
A: An aquifer is a geologic layer that can hold water such as sand and gravel, limestone, or sandstone, through which water flows and is stored.
Q: What causes the pressure in an artesian aquifer?
A: An artesian aquifer is trapped between rocks or clay which causes the pressure.
Q: When does water return to an aquifer?
A: Water returns to the aquifers when the water table at its recharge zone is at a higher elevation than the head of the well.
Q: Can fossil water aquifers be artesian?
A: Yes, fossil water aquifers can also be artesian if they are under sufficient pressure from the surrounding rocks.