What is the capital city of the French-speaking district of Martigny in Switzerland?
Q: What is the capital city of the French-speaking district of Martigny in Switzerland?
A: The capital city of the French-speaking district of Martigny in Switzerland is Martigny.
Q: How high is Martigny?
A: Martigny is 495 meters high.
Q: How many people live in Martigny?
A: Approximately 15,000 people live in Martigny.
Q: What countries border Martigny?
A: Italy, France and Switzerland border Martigny.
Q: Is there a road connecting this town to Aosta (Italy)?
A: Yes, there is a road connecting this town over the Great St. Bernard Pass to Aosta (Italy).
Q: Is there a road connecting this town to Chamonix (France)?
A: Yes, there is a road over the col de la Forclaz that connects this town to Chamonix (France).
Q: Is it possible to ski near Martingny?
A: Yes, it is possible to ski near Maritgny at nearby ski resorts like Verbier.