What is the biological family of marmosets?

Q: What is the biological family of marmosets?

A: Marmosets are in the biological family Callitrichidae.

Q: How long are marmosets typically?

A: Most marmosets are about 20 centimetres (8 inches) long.

Q: Where can marmosets be found in the wild?

A: Marmosets are native to South America and have been found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay and Peru. They have also been spotted in Central America.

Q: What do marmosets eat?

A: Marmosets feed on insects, fruit and leaves. Some species are specialised feeders on gum that they chew out of tree trunks and branches.

Q: How many members can a single marmoset group contain?

A: A single marmoset group can contain three to fifteen members including one or two breeding females, an unrelated male, offspring and other family members and unrelated individuals.

Q: What type of mating system do marmosets have?

A: Marmoset mating systems vary and include monogamy, polygyny and occasionally polyandry.

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