What is an art movement?

Q: What is an art movement?

A: An art movement, or ism, is a style in art characterized by a common philosophy or a label given by a critic to describe a type of artwork.

Q: What is typical of the post-photography era in art movements?

A: The post-photography era in art movements is characterized by exploration of new directions in art.

Q: How are some art movements pinpointed?

A: Some art movements can be pinpointed to a time and place or to particular artists.

Q: Where do verbal explanations of art movements come from?

A: Verbal explanations of art movements may come from the artists themselves, sometimes in the form of an art manifesto (published statement).

Q: Who often labels a movement after it has occurred?

A: Movement is often labelled by some art historian or critic.

Q: Can art movements be connected to other fields?

A: Yes, art movements may be connected to similar ideas in architecture, literature, philosophy or even politics.

Q: Is there a chronological order to art movements?

A: Yes, there is a rough date order to art movements.

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