Where is Markham located?

Q: Where is Markham located?

A: Markham is a city located in the Regional Municipality of York, in the Greater Toronto Area of Southern Ontario, Canada.

Q: How many people live in Markham currently?

A: 261,573 people currently live in Markham.

Q: How has the population of Markham changed since 1990?

A: The population of Markham has doubled since 1990.

Q: What is the rank of Markham among the largest towns in the Greater Toronto Area?

A: Markham is the 4th largest town in the Greater Toronto Area, after Toronto, Mississauga, and Brampton.

Q: Which region is Markham part of?

A: Markham is part of the Regional Municipality of York.

Q: What is the Greater Toronto Area?

A: The Greater Toronto Area is a densely populated urban region in Southern Ontario, Canada, which includes the city of Toronto and its surrounding municipalities.

Q: In which province is Southern Ontario located?

A: Southern Ontario is located in the province of Ontario, Canada.

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