Who is Maria Bashir?

Q: Who is Maria Bashir?

A: Maria Bashir is a lawyer from Afghanistan and the only woman to have the job of prosecutor in the country.

Q: How much experience does Maria Bashir have in the Afghan government?

A: Maria Bashir has 15 years of experience in the Afghan government.

Q: What did Maria Bashir do during the time of the Taliban?

A: During the time of the Taliban, Maria Bashir was not permitted to work. Instead, she had an illegal school for girls in her house.

Q: What position did Maria Bashir hold in 2006?

A: In 2006, after the time of the Taliban, Maria Bashir worked as Chief Prosecutor General of Herat Province.

Q: What kinds of cases did Maria Bashir handle in 2010?

A: In 2010, Maria Bashir had 87 cases, mostly about corruption and oppression of women.

Q: What award did Maria Bashir receive in 2011?

A: In 2011, Maria Bashir received the International Women of Courage Award from the U.S. Department of State.

Q: Why is Maria Bashir notable?

A: Maria Bashir is notable for being the only woman to have the job of prosecutor in Afghanistan and for her work in fighting corruption and oppression of women.

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