When was Margot Betti Frank born?
Q: When was Margot Betti Frank born?
A: Margot Betti Frank was born on 16 February 1926.
Q: What happened in the 1933 elections in Frankfurt?
A: In the 1933 elections in Frankfurt, Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party won.
Q: Where did the Franks move to after leaving Germany?
A: After leaving Germany, the Franks moved to Aachen and later Amsterdam.
Q: How did Anne feel about her sister Margot?
A: Initially, Anne felt jealous of her sister Margot because she thought she was pretty, clever and everyone's favorite. However, when they went into hiding together they became closer towards each other and Anne began to think of her as a real friend.
Q: What was Margot's profession that she wanted to pursue in Palestine?
A: According to Anne's diary, Margot wanted to be a midwife in Palestine.
Q: Who were Otto and Edith Frank?
A: Otto Frank (1889 – 1980) and Edith Frank-Holländer (1900 – 45) were the parents of both Margot and Anne Frank.
Q: Did any trace of Margot's diary ever been found?
A: No trace of Margot's diary has ever been found.