What is Arroyo Barril?

Q: What is Arroyo Barril?

A: Arroyo Barril is a municipal district in the Dominican Republic.

Q: In which province is Arroyo Barril located?

A: Arroyo Barril is located in the Samaná province.

Q: Where is Arroyo Barril located within the Samaná Peninsula?

A: Arroyo Barril is located on the south coast of the Samaná Peninsula.

Q: What is the geographic feature that Arroyo Barril is situated on?

A: Arroyo Barril is situated on the coast of Samaná Bay.

Q: When was Arroyo Barril made a municipal district?

A: Arroyo Barril was made a municipal district on May 1, 2003.

Q: Is Arroyo Barril a city or a village?

A: Arroyo Barril is a municipal district, but it is not specified if it is a city or a village.

Q: What is the name of the larger town or city that Arroyo Barril is a part of?

A: Arroyo Barril is a municipal district of Santa Bárbara de Samaná.

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