What is the name of the city in Myanmar?
Q: What is the name of the city in Myanmar?
A: The city in Myanmar is called Mandalay.
Q: How far away is Mandalay from Yangon?
A: Mandalay is 716 km (445 mi) north of Yangon.
Q: Where is Mandalay located relative to the Irrawaddy River?
A: Mandalay is located on the east side of the Irrawaddy River.
Q: What was the population of Mandalay in 2014?
A: In 2014, there were 1,225,553 people living in Mandalay.
Q: Is there another city in Myanmar with more people than Mandalay?
A: Yes, there is one other city in Myanmar that has more people than Mandalay.