What is the Manchukuo yuan?

Q: What is the Manchukuo yuan?

A: The Manchukuo yuan was the currency used in the Empire of Manchukuo from 1932 to 1945.

Q: How much silver would one Manchukuo yuan buy?

A: One Manchukuo yuan would buy 24 grams of silver.

Q: What was the Manchukuo yuan used instead of?

A: The Manchukuo yuan was used instead of the Chinese tael.

Q: Was the Chinese tael commonly used in Manchuria?

A: Yes, the Chinese tael was common and in use in Manchuria.

Q: How much silver would one tael buy?

A: One tael would buy about 40 grams of silver.

Q: When was the Manchukuo yuan in use?

A: The Manchukuo yuan was in use from June 1932 until August 1945.

Q: What was the Empire of Manchukuo?

A: The Empire of Manchukuo was a state in Northeast China and Inner Mongolia from 1932 until 1945.

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