Where is Mamasani County located?
Q: Where is Mamasani County located?
A: Mamasani County is located in Fars Province in Iran.
Q: What is the capital of Mamasani County?
A: The capital of Mamasani County is Nurabad.
Q: How far is Mamasani County from Shiraz?
A: Mamasani County is 180 kilometres from Shiraz.
Q: What language do the people of Mamasani speak?
A: The people of Mamasani speak Luri language from southern Luri dialect.
Q: What was the population of Mamasani County at the 2006 census?
A: At the 2006 census, the county's population (including those portions later split off to form Rostam County) was 162,694, in 45,145 families; excluding such portions, the population was 166,317, in 26,011 families.
Q: How is Mamasani County subdivided?
A: Mamasani County is subdivided into three districts: the Central District, Mahvarmilani District, and Doshman Ziari District.
Q: How many cities does Mamasani County have?
A: Mamasani County has three cities: Nurabad, Khumeh Zar and Baba Monir.