What is Mamane?
Q: What is Mamane?
A: Mamane is a shrub/tree in the Sophora genus found in Hawaii.
Q: What is Mamane suitable for?
A: Mamane is suitable for gardens.
Q: How tall can Mamane grow in tree form?
A: Mamane can reach a height of 15m (49ft) in tree form.
Q: Does Mamane grow fast in Hawaii?
A: Yes, Mamane grows fast in every island of the Hawaiian archipelago.
Q: What bird is endangered due to the lack of enough Mamane trees?
A: The palila bird is endangered due to the lack of enough Mamane trees.
Q: What does the Hawaiian honeycreeper do on Mamane trees?
A: The Hawaiian honeycreeper visits Mamane trees to suck nectar.
Q: What does the palila bird feed on?
A: The palila bird feeds on unripe seeds of the Mamane.