What is the currency of Madagascar?
Q: What is the currency of Madagascar?
A: The currency of Madagascar is the ariary (ISO 4217 code MGA).
Q: How many iraimbilanja equal one ariary?
A: One ariary is equal to 5 iraimbilanja.
Q: How many non-decimal currencies are currently being used in the world?
A: Only two non-decimal currencies are currently being used, one of which is the ariary of Madagascar.
Q: What is the meaning of the name "ariary"?
A: The name "ariary" originally referred to a silver dollar.
Q: What is the meaning of the name "iraimbilanja"?
A: "Iraimbilanja" means "one iron weight" and was the name of an old coin worth ⅕ of an ariary.
Q: What is the second non-decimal currency currently being used in the world?
A: The second non-decimal currency currently being used in the world is the Mauritanian ouguiya.
Q: What is the exchange rate between ariary and iraimbilanja?
A: One ariary is equal to 5 iraimbilanja.