What are Malacostraca?
Q: What are Malacostraca?
A: Malacostraca are the largest subgroup of crustaceans that include decapods, stomatopods, and krill.
Q: Which crustaceans are included in Malacostraca?
A: Decapods, stomatopods, and krill are included in Malacostraca.
Q: How many members are in Malacostraca?
A: There are 22,000 members in Malacostraca.
Q: What percentage of all crustacean species do Malacostraca represent?
A: Malacostraca represent two thirds of all crustacean species.
Q: When did the first malacostracans appear?
A: The first malacostracans appeared in the Cambrian period.
Q: Is Malacostraca considered a class or a subclass?
A: The classification of crustaceans is currently being debated, but some think Malacostraca is a class while others think it is a subclass.
Q: What is the meaning of "Malacostraca"?
A: "Malacostraca" is Greek for "soft shell".