What is the national anthem of Singapore?
Q: What is the national anthem of Singapore?
A: The national anthem of Singapore is "Majulah Singapura".
Q: Who wrote and composed the song?
A: The song was written and composed by Singaporean musician Zubir Said in 1958.
Q: When was it adopted as the national anthem?
A: It was adopted seven years later, in 1965.
Q: In what languages must the song be sung?
A: The song must be sung in Malay, although there are translations provided in English, Mandarin Chinese, and Tamil.
Q: When are Singaporeans encouraged to sing the national anthem?
A: Singaporeans are encouraged to sing the national anthem during times of national celebration or at important national events such as at the National Day Parade, at National Day observance ceremonies held by government departments and educational institutions such as schools and universities, and at sports events that Singapore teams take part in.