What is Major League Baseball on ESPN Radio?

Q: What is Major League Baseball on ESPN Radio?

A: Major League Baseball on ESPN Radio is a broadcast presentation of MLB games on ESPN Radio, including Opening Day, Sunday Night Baseball, Saturday afternoon games, holiday games, and playoffs.

Q: What games can be heard on ESPN Radio?

A: ESPN Radio broadcasts a range of games including the All-Star Game, September pennant race games, and the World Series.

Q: Does ESPN Radio broadcast games on XM Satellite Radio?

A: Yes, ESPN Radio's game broadcasts are also available on XM Satellite Radio.

Q: Are ESPN Radio's game broadcasts included in the "Gameday Audio" package on MLB.com?

A: No, ESPN Radio's game broadcasts are not included in the "Gameday Audio" package on MLB.com.

Q: What are some examples of holiday games that can be heard on ESPN Radio?

A: Memorial Day games are an example of holiday games that can be heard on ESPN Radio.

Q: Is ESPN Radio only available on AM/FM radio?

A: No, ESPN Radio's game broadcasts are also available on XM Satellite Radio.

Q: Does ESPN Radio broadcast the playoffs?

A: Yes, ESPN Radio broadcasts all of the playoffs, including the Division Series, League Championship Series, and the World Series.

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