What is the arrondissement of Vierzon?
Q: What is the arrondissement of Vierzon?
A: The arrondissement of Vierzon is a subdivision of France located in the Cher department in the Centre-Val de Loire region.
Q: What is the capital of the arrondissement of Vierzon?
A: The capital of the arrondissement of Vierzon is the city of Vierzon.
Q: What is the subprefecture of the department in which the arrondissement of Vierzon is located?
A: The subprefecture of the department in which the arrondissement of Vierzon is located is the city of Vierzon.
Q: In which region of France is the arrondissement of Vierzon located?
A: The arrondissement of Vierzon is located in the Centre-Val de Loire region of France.
Q: What department is the arrondissement of Vierzon located in?
A: The arrondissement of Vierzon is located in the Cher department of France.
Q: What is the significance of Vierzon in the context of the arrondissement of Vierzon?
A: Vierzon is both the capital of the arrondissement of Vierzon and the subprefecture of the Cher department.
Q: What is the function of an arrondissement in France?
A: An arrondissement in France is a subnational administrative division that serves as an intermediary level between the department and the commune.