Where is Majene Regency located?

Q: Where is Majene Regency located?

A: Majene Regency is located in West Sulawesi Province, Indonesia.

Q: What is the capital of Majene Regency?

A: The capital of Majene Regency is Majene.

Q: What is the population of Majene Regency as per the 2010 Census?

A: The population of Majene Regency as per the 2010 Census was 150,939.

Q: What is the official name of Majene Regency in Indonesian?

A: The official name of Majene Regency in Indonesian is Kabupaten Majene.

Q: Which island is Majene Regency located on?

A: Majene Regency is located on the island Sulawesi.

Q: What is the significance of the 2010 Census in relation to Majene Regency?

A: The 2010 Census provides data on the population of Majene Regency, which was recorded to be 150,939.

Q: What is a regency?

A: A regency is a territorial administrative division in some countries, including Indonesia.

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