What is the arrondissement of Vichy?
Q: What is the arrondissement of Vichy?
A: The arrondissement of Vichy is a district located in France.
Q: Which département does the arrondissement of Vichy belong to?
A: The arrondissement of Vichy belongs to the Allier département.
Q: What is the capital city of the arrondissement of Vichy?
A: The capital city of the arrondissement of Vichy is Vichy.
Q: Is Vichy a prefecture of the department it belongs to?
A: Yes, Vichy is a prefecture of the department Allier.
Q: Does the arrondissement of Vichy have any other significant towns or cities aside from the capital?
A: The text does not provide information on whether the arrondissement of Vichy has any other significant towns or cities.
Q: What type of government is in place in the arrondissement of Vichy?
A: The text does not provide information on the type of government in place in the arrondissement of Vichy.
Q: What is the population of the arrondissement of Vichy?
A: The text does not provide information on the population of the arrondissement of Vichy.