What kind of volcano is Maipo?

Q: What kind of volcano is Maipo?

A: Maipo is a stratovolcano.

Q: Where is Maipo located?

A: Maipo is located on the border between Argentina and Chile.

Q: How far away is Maipo from Tupungato?

A: Maipo is located 90 km (56 mi) south of Tupungato.

Q: What is Tupungato?

A: Tupungato is one of the highest mountains in the Americas.

Q: How far away is Maipo from Santiago?

A: Maipo is located about 100 km (62 mi) southeast of Santiago.

Q: What range is Maipo a part of?

A: Maipo is a part of the Andes mountain range.

Q: Is Maipo still an active volcano?

A: It is not specified in the given text whether Maipo is an active volcano or not.

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