Where is Mainpuri located?

Q: Where is Mainpuri located?

A: Mainpuri is located in the Mainpuri district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.

Q: What is the administrative headquarters of Mainpuri district?

A: Mainpuri is the administrative headquarters of Mainpuri district.

Q: How far is Mainpuri from New Delhi?

A: Mainpuri is 270 km from New Delhi.

Q: In which region does Mainpuri form a part of?

A: Mainpuri forms part of the ancient legendary region of Lord Krishna's land called Braj.

Q: What is the significance of Braj in Indian culture?

A: Braj is a significant region in Indian culture as it is the birthplace and childhood home of Lord Krishna.

Q: Is Mainpuri situated to the north-east or north-west of Agra?

A: Mainpuri is situated to the north-east of Agra.

Q: Which state in India is Mainpuri located in?

A: Mainpuri is located in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh.

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