What is the Arrondissement of Sélestat-Erstein?
Q: What is the Arrondissement of Sélestat-Erstein?
A: The Arrondissement of Sélestat-Erstein is an administrative division in the Bas-Rhin department in the Grand Est region of France.
Q: What is the capital city of the Arrondissement of Sélestat-Erstein?
A: The capital city of the Arrondissement of Sélestat-Erstein is Sélestat.
Q: In which department is the Arrondissement of Sélestat-Erstein located?
A: The Arrondissement of Sélestat-Erstein is located in the Bas-Rhin department in France.
Q: Which region does the Arrondissement of Sélestat-Erstein belong to?
A: The Arrondissement of Sélestat-Erstein belongs to the Grand Est region in France.
Q: What is the main city in the Arrondissement of Sélestat-Erstein?
A: The main city in the Arrondissement of Sélestat-Erstein is Sélestat.
Q: What is the administrative purpose of an arrondissement in France?
A: In France, an arrondissement has administrative and territorial functions, including the management of local government services and the organization of elections.
Q: What type of government exists in the Arrondissement of Sélestat-Erstein?
A: The Arrondissement of Sélestat-Erstein is governed by the French system of administration and local government.