Which cities/towns are covered by the M postcode area?
Q: Which cities/towns are covered by the M postcode area?
A: The M postcode area covers Manchester, Salford, and Sale.
Q: Does the M postcode area cover Stockport?
A: No, the M postcode area covers parts of all Greater Manchester boroughs except for Stockport.
Q: Are there any areas in Manchester that are not covered by the M postcode area?
A: Yes, a small village called Ringway, which is in the WA postcode area, is not covered by the M postcode area.
Q: What proportion of Salford is covered by the M postcode area?
A: Nearly all of Salford is covered by the M postcode area.
Q: Which borough of Greater Manchester is partially covered by the M postcode area?
A: The borough of Trafford is partially covered by the M postcode area.
Q: What is the M postcode area also known as?
A: The M postcode area is also known as the Manchester postcode area.
Q: How many postal districts are in the M postcode area?
A: There are lots of postal districts in the M postcode area as it covers three places: Manchester, Salford, and Sale.