Where is Luleå located?

Q: Where is Luleå located?

A: Luleå is located in northern Sweden.

Q: What is the population of Luleå, as of 2010?

A: As of 2010, 46,607 people lived in Luleå.

Q: What is the seat of Luleå Municipality?

A: Luleå is the seat of Luleå Municipality.

Q: What is the capital of Norrbotten County?

A: Luleå is the capital of Norrbotten County.

Q: What is the meaning of "Lule" in Luleå?

A: "Lule" is the Sami name for the city of Luleå.

Q: What is the Finnish name for Luleå?

A: The Finnish name for Luleå is Luulaja.

Q: What is the pronunciation of Luleå in Swedish?

A: The pronunciation of Luleå in Swedish is [ˈlʉːlɛo] (listen).

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