What is the Arrondissement of Charleville-Mézières?
Q: What is the Arrondissement of Charleville-Mézières?
A: The Arrondissement of Charleville-Mézières is an administrative district in the Ardennes department of France.
Q: Which city is the capital of the Arrondissement of Charleville-Mézières?
A: The capital of the Arrondissement of Charleville-Mézières is Charleville-Mézières.
Q: What is the size of the Arrondissement of Charleville-Mézières?
A: The Arrondissement of Charleville-Mézières has an area of 1,825.3 km2 (704.8 sq mi), which is the largest arrondissement in the department.
Q: Which is the most northern arrondissement in the Ardennes department?
A: The Arrondissement of Charleville-Mézières is the most northern arrondissement in the Ardennes department.
Q: How many people live in the Arrondissement of Charleville-Mézières?
A: The Arrondissement of Charleville-Mézières has a population of 160,939 inhabitants.
Q: What is the population density of the Arrondissement of Charleville-Mézières?
A: The population density of the Arrondissement of Charleville-Mézières is 88.2 inhabitants/km².
Q: Which arrondissement has the highest population in the Ardennes department?
A: The Arrondissement of Charleville-Mézières has the highest population in the Ardennes department.